

  • Location Helsinki, Finland
  • Year 2020
  • Status Completed
  • Size 21 300 m²
  • Client Cobbleyard Real Estate

The former Elanto bread factory, located in Sörnäinen, Helsinki and protected in the detailed city plan, has been renovated to provide inviting and atmospheric spaces for Caisa Cultural Centre, Goodio Chocolate Factory, Cafe Bruket and Bob the Robot Creative Agency amongst others. Leipätehdas has become an excellent example of disused industrial buildings being given a second life through high quality architecture.

Photos: Kuvio

Leipätehdas, BTR office. Photo: Kuvio Leipätehdas, BTR office. Photo: Kuvio Leipätehdas, Caisa. Photo: Kuvio Leipätehdas, Caisa. Photo: Kuvio