Laakso Hospital

Laakso Hospital

  • Location Helsinki, Finland
  • Year
  • Status Under construction
  • Size 150 000 m²
  • Client The city of Helsinki and Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa (HUS)

The new Laakso hospital will integrate the wide ranged psychiatric care, Helsinki city’s somatic hospital care, and the demanding neurological rehabilitation provided by the Hospital district of Helsinki and Uusimaa (HUS). In addition to the hospital wards, Laakso hospital will also include supporting polyclinic functions to ensure flexible high-quality care.

Research that supports hospital functions will be concentrated into Laakso hospital and it will be developed into a significant international knowledge and expertise centre. In the development of hospital functions collaboration with the Meilahti campus will be utilized with the aim to synergize psychiatric and somatic care into a holistic package.

Laakso hospital, areal view. Laakso hospital, areal view. Laakso hospital Laakso hospital, exterior view.