Silta Hospital
- Location Helsinki, Finland
- Year 2022
- Status Completed
- Size 70 000 m²
- Client HUS-Kiinteistöt Ltd
The Silta Hospital, is a world-class trauma and cancer hospital, that relocates the currently separated trauma functions of the Helsinki University Central Hospital to the Western side of the Meilahti hospital campus in Helsinki. The new building will provide a valuable link between the existing emergency and cancer departments of the campus, creating a large unified hospital facility that will strengthen operational efficiencies for our client; along with providing a more accessible, safer and improved customer experience for patients, visitors and staff.
The new Trauma & Cancer centre include special health care units such: HYKS Emergency department, HYKS Operating department, HYKS Organ transplant and plastic surgery departments, HYKS Trauma outpatients department, HYKS Cancer hospital, HYKS Radiology, Staff cafeteria and support services.
The building design project was preceded by an extensive urban design work to determine the location and massing of the building complex.
Siltasairaala was selected as the best public project at Tekla Global BIM Awards 2020. For more information, please visit
Photos: Tuomas Uusheimo